Artificial Intelligence User Experience Design Patterns

An exploration of the UX patterns applicable to designing effective experiences when using artificial intelligence.

Sample Solution

The below example shows how multiple patterns are compiled to create a complete user experience.

This example is a simple yet familiar experience found in AI tools. Providing help, feedback & options once a result is generated.

Compiled Patterns:

  • Inline Help
  • Prompt Feedback
  • Inline Suggestions
  • Prompt Quality Feedback
  • Result Options
  • Result Actions


How do we tackle the next big paradigm shift in UX?

The answer is by abstracting the design patterns. These repeated & effective design solutions form what we call best-practice. By pealing back the layers we can define these patterns & leverage them effectively in new contexts.


This guide catalogues the UX design patterns applicable to delivering effective AI experiences.

AI has brought with it a new paradigm moving from command to intent based inputs & some of our existing UX patterns are applicable while other completely new ones will be designed.